Then & now
Crew List was originally launched in February 2000 as a website geared at promoting interaction between Motion Picture & Television Industry Professionals. At that time it was considered a state-of-the-art portal hosting Producers, Directors, Writers, Actors, Production Staff, Camera, Electric, Grip Props, Art, Sound, Makeup, Hair, Wardrobe, Transportation, Locations, and Post Production workers world wide. In some respects it was conceived as what would become the template for what is now known as Social Media!
Over time the membership grew to include members from 41 countries spanning the globe and covering every major industry crew department! Some of it's features considered unique at that time were Profile Searching, Email of Profiles to Others, Full List of Credits, Private Messaging, Retrieve Previous Search, Calendaring System, Build Your Own Crew-List which was constructed much like the traditional Production Crew List we all are accustomed to. When your see this icon next to a member's name and hover over it: you know that she or he has been with us since as early as 2000!

Like the original website, the New Crew List's infrastructure is based upon the industry's standard budgeting Crew Departments and Job Titles. It is now a true social media platform. Going well beyond the original which was monetized by a modest annual fee, the new project is entirely Free to all of its members and is supported by targeted advertising geared to the user's interests.
Our staff of industry icons
We have developed our project with an ensemble of managers working under pseudonyms that represent icons from the industry's past (for which we maintain a strong reverence). Headed by the esteemed Cecil B. DeMille our "Crew List Administrator (honorarium in perpetuum)", we have given those members the position of "Contributing Member (honorarium in perpetuum)" and each is strategically placed as manager of a Group/Department which represent their unique contributions to the traditions which have built the industry over time.
These Icons will serve those posts along with others who volunteer their time to manage the various Groups that are a representation of the many Crew Departments we work under in the process of producing Films, and Television in all of its current and upcoming forms going into the future!