Film is free to watch September 28, 12:00 AM-11:30 PM
Live Q&A with Director Scott Saunders: September 28, 7 PM
In a world increasingly dominated by humans, three teams of wildlife conservationists go to extraordinary and seemingly unnatural lengths to try to save three threatened species in the American heartland.
Stunningly photographed in the Grand Canyon and on the American prairie, “The Nature Makers” follows rugged biologists who’ve deployed helicopters, giant bulldozers and a host of human tools to defend wild nature. In the 21st century, defending the wild often requires, quite paradoxically, technology and aggressive human intervention.
This film will be open to watch from home from 12:00 AM-11:30 PM on September 28th.
Free and open to all. Donations are welcome and go to support our local arts community. Make donations at
Hosted by Sustainable Woodstock and Pentangle Arts. Made possible by our underwriters VERMONT COMMUNITY FOUNDATION and MASCOMA BANK and sponsors Ellaway Group, The Unicorn, and Mark Knott DDS.