Activity Stream
Activity streams allows the users and visitors (Day Players) to keep track of the important activities of a user, a group and a community. Activity streams can be found at several areas in Crew-List:
- Home page when not logged in. Shows the important activities of the community that are visible to the users who have not logged in.
- Home page when logged in. Shows the important activities that are relevant to each user.
- Explore page. Shows all the important activities of the whole community.
- In a user profile. Shows all the important activities of a user.
- In a group (department). Shows all the important activities of a group.

Want to mention another Crew-List member in a comment or topic?
If you are commenting or creating a Topic and wish to mention another member simply precede their name with an [at] sign '@',. For example @Katherine Hepburn and as you type, the list narrows.