What is a Group?
A Group allows a set of users to share ideas and organize events with each other around one specific subject. It can be seen as smaller communities within a bigger community.
These social "groups" represent the Motion Picture & Television Industry standards for creative and budgetary DEPARTMENTS.
We also wish to differentiate between the Social "Departments" referenced here and the Profile fields, "Primary Department" & "Qualified Department(s)" which are associated with each member's professional background.
Upon approval, each new Crew List member is assigned membership in one or more Groups based upon their registered Primary & Qualified Department(s)!
In each group you can find:
Stream. Activities in a group
Topics. Topics created in a group
Events. Events organized in a group
Members. Members of a group. If you are a group manager, you can also manage the members of the group.
About. Detailed information of a group. This includes, when applicable, a list of Job Titles represented by that group as well as Union/Guild and other industry Associations.
Joining Department groups. If you feel that you have something to contribute, you may join additional Groups by Private Messaging one of the Group's Managers or the Website Administrator. However bear in mind that many of the managers are working industry professionals volunteering their time, therefore we ask that applicants be patient and allow sufficient time for processing.
Other Group types. "Open" and "Public" groups may be joined by any registered member without the manager approval process. An example is our "Crew Photos" group!