
User Account

User Account

User Account

An account gives each user a unique identity in the platform. There are a few things regular users can do regarding their account:

  • Create account. An account can be created through a signup process, or by the manager of the platform.

  • During the signup (Registration) process there are a minimal number of required fields which are marked with a red asterisk (*). These include Your chosen Email Address and Username, plus a few additional Profile fields that help us in qualifying you for membership at Crew List.

    • Additionally we request that you provide a brief Bio to further assist us. You may optionally fill in the additional fields necessary to complete your Profile which is a six scene process.

  • Registration and Profile Completion Script
    Need more help?

    Read the Registration and Profile Completion Script.

Required *

Sc. 1) Names and profile images

  1. Email Address
  2. Username
  3. First name (may include middle name, initial, or "nickname")
  4. Last name (may include a suffix or title IE: Jr. or ASC)

Sc. 2) Phone and location

  1. Country, City State/Province
    • Street number and name should only be used to help set the map marker and then removed (unless it is a business or PO Box).
    • You will later be given the option to show or not show these items on your profile see Privacy Settings.

Sc. 3a) Career Information

  1. Current Position (Type in Job Title as employed or seeking)
    1. Appears over header image.
    2. Up to for separated by a comma.
  2. Current Organization/Project/Department (type in, may also represent status).
    1. Appears over header image.
    2. May be a Company, or status such as Freelance, etc.)
  3. Primary Occupation (Select one Job title you currently work under)
    1. This represents how you will be represented in lists throughout the platform)
      1. For Departments and Job titles see: Hierarchy
  4. Primary Department (Select one Department you currently work under)
    1. This represents how you will be represented in lists throughout the platform)
      1. For Departments and Job titles see: Hierarchy


Sc. 1) Names and profile images

  1. Profile Photo (typically a headshot)
  2. Banner image (wide image appears at top of your profile page)

Sc. 3b) Qualifications and Organizations

  1. Qualified Occupation (up to 4 job titles you have experience with)
  2. Qualified Department(s) (up to 4 Departments you have experience in)
  3. Union/Guild/Professional Affiliation (Select up to 5 in which you belong and have current status)

Sc. 4) Self introduction, biography and credits

  1. A brief Biography to assist in qualifying you.
  2. You will expand on this after approval to include your credits
    1. Many members paste in their credits from IMDb!


(Highly recommended following approval - located in various Scenes)
  1. Revised Bio/Resume which once approved, is where you may embellish to include your resume and other materials about yourself)
  2. Your Professional Expertise (List skills and/or experiences here; separate each with a [,] comma). These are used by usersĀ  in searches... keep it simple!

  3. Your Personal interests (Also separated by a [,] comma). These are used by usersĀ  in searches... keep it simple!

  4. Demo Media - Video Demo Reel(s) and/or Audio MP3's

    1. This is ONLY possible AFTER Approval!

    2. Videos must be hosted on YouTube, or Vimeo, and Audio must be hosted on a website you have 'sharing' privileges on such as your personal website!

      1. There is a URL Embedding button in the WYSIWYG Editor to simplify the process!

  5. Work Stills - This is a personal photo album displaying you in your working environment with yourself and colleagues. Appears as a popup slideshow.

  • You must also complete the required items during registration and the rest at a later time (but there's no time like the present, huh?) Smile, its easy

  • Login. After an account is created, you can login with your username or email address combining with the corresponding password.

    • This would be the time to complete the remaining Profile Fields which includes information about your availability status!